Results for 'Leticia O. Minhot'

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  1. O LINCHAMENTO DE GUARUJÁ E A VIOLÊNCIA MIMÉTICA DE RENÉ GIRARD.Wilson Franck Junior & Letícia de Souza Furtado - 2014 - IURISPRUDENTIA: Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Ajes 1 (5):107-134.
    Os autores estudam um caso de linchamento ocorrido na cidade de Guarujá. Formulam sua hipótese a partir da teoria mimética de René Girard, demonstrando, no caso concreto, a presença de sinais vitimários que tornam um indivíduo suscetível a ser tomado como bode expiatório de uma comunidade em crise. Problematizam sobre a questão da mentalidade persecutória, justiça comunitária e sistema judiciário.
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  2. Dinamismo inconsciente en Leibniz.Leticia Cabañas - 2013 - Cultura 32:167-175.
    El rigor en pensar la vida psíquica le lleva a Leibniz a disociar la percepción de la con­ciencia, rompiendo con la tradición filosófica, carente de la idea de una vida psíquica incons­ciente. Nuestro conocimiento no se limita a la “apercepción” o percepción consciente, sino que alcanza una mayor profundidad. Desarrolla Leibniz una teoría puntillista de la sensa­ción, un hormigueo incesante de innumerables percepciones individuales imperceptibles componen toda percepción consciente.
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  3. La lógica formal leibniziana.Cabañas Leticia & Esquisabel Oscar M. - forthcoming - In Roldán Concha (ed.), Congreso internacional: Conocer, dialogar, inventar y transformar, Donostia/San Sebastián, Universidad del País Vasco, 17-21 de junio 2013. Universidad del País Vasco.
    Quiere Leibniz construir un cálculo lógico de un nuevo género, un cálculo formal que aporte rigor en los procedimientos demostrativos. A tal efecto considera necesaria una ampliación de la lógica tradicional. Frente a la organización apodíctica de Aristóteles, busca un nuevo método científico que no proceda sólo deductivamente desde una certeza expresada mediante axiomas, sino según una lógica heurística, y por lo tanto no clásica, que incluya un conjunto de procedimientos no silogísticos para inventar o producir nuevos conocimientos. Su idea (...)
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  4. Transferência de Embriões em Bovinos: Revisão de Literatura.Marianne Christina Velaqua & Letícia Vieira Lipert Pazzim - 2021 - Dissertation,
    A transferência de embriões (TE) é uma biotecnologia mundialmente difundida, com o objetivo principal de produzir um número elevado de descendentes geneticamente superiores por fêmea. A partir da TE é possível reduzir o intervalo entre gerações e aumentar a velocidade de melhoramento genético do rebanho, além de permitir que animais geneticamente superiores e com distúrbios reprodutivos adquiridos se reproduzam, impedindo o descarte precoce dos mesmos. A técnica consiste em obter embriões de uma fêmea doadora e transferi-los para receptoras, com a (...)
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  5. Leticia Cabañas.Cabañas Leticia - manuscript
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  6. Adamismo en la filosofía del lenguaje de Leibniz.Leticia Cabañas - 2007 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:35-41.
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  7. Figurações do Diabo na Divina Comédia, de Dante Alighieri e de Satã em Paraíso Perdido, de John Milton.Letícia Malerba - 2022 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
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  8. HACIA UNA LOGICA DE LO REL: LA RACIONALIZACION DE LO CONTINGENTE EN LEIBNIZ.Cabañas Leticia - 2002 - In Actas del Congreso Internacional, Ciencia, Tecnología y Bien Común: La actualidad de Leibniz, Valencia, 21-23 de marzo 2001. Valencia: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. pp. 400-404.
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  9. SOURCES OF ENTREPRENEURIAL OPPORTUNITIES EXPLORED BY AFRICAN IMMIGRANT-ENTREPRENEURS IN SOUTH AFRICA.Leticia Toli & Robertson K. Tengeh - 2017 - Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 23 (2):1-15.
    Aim: Underscoring the xenophobic violence that has befallen African immigrants in South Africa in the recent past is the perception held in certain quarters that African immigrants take away entrepreneurial opportunities among others from the Natives. This paper sought to determine how African immigrant entrepreneurs identify business opportunities in South Africa in tandem with what South African entrepreneurs could learn from African immigrants. -/- Method: The paper was based on quantitative data from 220 participants collected by way of a semi-structured (...)
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  10. La recepción por Leibniz del pensamiento de Spinoza.Leticia Cabañas - manuscript
    Si bien es cierto que Leibniz se sintió atraído por la filosofía de Spinoza, sin embargo no podía aceptarla, pues pronto fue consciente de las implicaciones y consecuencias de dicho sistema; los peligros para la teología que suponían las tesis spinozistas, que fundan la moral en la naturaleza humana. El racionalismo de Leibniz se vio moderado por las exigencias de su cristianismo ortodoxo, e ideó su propio proyecto filosófico como una alternativa al de Spinoza, que representaba el ataque más radical (...)
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  11. El concepto de infinito en Leibniz y Locke.Leticia Cabañas - 2010 - Ontology Studies: Cuadernos de Ontología 10:143-152.
    Locke está interesado en liberar la idea de infinito de sus implicaciones metafísicas y teológicas típicas de la herencia filosófica cristiana. La visión de Leibniz es diametralmente opuesta : el infinito es un concepto complejo que requiere rigurosas distinciones, sin las que el intelecto humano se pierde en un laberinto.Locke was interested in liberating the idea of infinite of its metaphysical and theological implications typical of the Christian philosophical inheritance. Leibniz’s vision is diametrically opposed: the infinite is a complex concept (...)
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  12. El problema de la relación mente-cuerpo en Leibniz.Cabañas Leticia - 2010 - In Nicolás Juan Antonio (ed.), Leibniz und die Entstehung der Modernität,. Steiner. pp. 193-202.
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  13. La complejidad anímica: percepción inconsciente en Leibniz.Cabañas Leticia - 2007 - “la Filosofía y Los Retos de la Complejidad”, III Congreso de la Sociedad Académica de Filosofía, Murcia, 8-10 Febrero 2007.
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  14. Idéalisme et réalisme chez Leibniz. La métaphysique monadologique face à une métaphysique de la substance corporelle.Cabañas Leticia - 2020 - Lexicon Philosophicum 8:7-14.
    In this paper we inquire whether Leibniz’s metaphysics of the body has undergone a signifi cant change in the last twenty years of his life. Th is metaphysical conception seems incompatible with the late monadological conclusions. Yet, to explain the body in terms of monadic subordination makes soul and body inseparably united. Far from there being two incompatible ontologies in Leibniz’s late philosophy, we fi nd a seamless connection between what is monadic and what is organic: a single point of (...)
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  15. La recepción de Hobbes por Leibniz.Cabañas Leticia - manuscript
    En muchos aspectos ejerció Hobbes, con su pensamiento en las antípodas del cartesianismo, una duradera influencia en Leibniz. Pero aunque Leibniz, como Hobbes, pretende mecanizar la mente, no admite la negación hobbesiana de la sustancia inmaterial, su disolución en el cuerpo. Por el contrario, quiere salvar el concepto de mente. Para lograrlo le da la vuelta al argumento de Hobbes. Si este último define la mente en términos de cuerpo, Leibniz va a considerar el cuerpo a partir de la mente.
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  16. LA SUSTANCIA COMPUESTA Y EL VÍNCULO SUSTANCIAL EN LEIBNIZ.Cabañas Leticia - forthcoming - In Nicolás Juan Antonio (ed.), Guía Comares de Leibniz (Monadología). Comares.
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  17. La recepción por Leibniz del concepto spinoziano de potentia agendi et patiendi.Cabañas Leticia - 2014 - In Mesquita Antonio Pedro (ed.), A paixão da razão. Homenagem a Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira. Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa,. pp. 171-180.
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  18. Joaquim Xirau y Leibniz: las condiciones de la verdad eterna.Cabañas Leticia - 2007 - In Terricabras Joseph Mª (ed.), Joaquim Xirau i Leibniz: les condicions de la veritat eterna. Documenta Universitaria. pp. 163-175.
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  19. Formalización del lenguaje filosófico en Leibniz.Cabañas Leticia - 2006 - In Fernández-Caballero Antonio (ed.), Una Perspectiva de la Inteligencia Artificial en su 50 Aniversario. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. pp. 174-185.
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  20. Dascal, Marcelo (ed.):" The Practice of Reason. Leibniz and his Controversies". [REVIEW]Leticia Cabañas - 2011 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 44:392-395.
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  21. La superación por Leibniz de la lógica aristotélica.Leticia Cabañas Agrela - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:67-74.
    El punto de partida del calculus universalis leibniziano es la teoría aristotélica del silogismo, pero Leibniz se independiza de las ideas de Aristóteles para desarrollar su propio sistema lógico, mucho más general, aplicando el instrumento combinatorio a la silogística. Lo que propone es una importante modificación del modelo demostrativo axiomático, mediante la creación de cálculos lógico-simbólicos que no se limitan a los ámbitos tradicionales de la deducción, sino que admiten procedimientos discursivos más complejos que los de la lógica clásica, ampliando (...)
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  22. Brian O’Connor. (2022). El legado filosófico de Theodor W. Adorno (Trad. Leandro Sánchez Marín).O'Connor Brian & Sánchez Marín Leandro - 2022 - Revista Filosofía (UIS) 21 (2):293-303.
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  23. Are We in a Sixth Mass Extinction? The Challenges of Answering and Value of Asking.Federica Bocchi, Alisa Bokulich, Leticia Castillo Brache, Gloria Grand-Pierre & Aja Watkins - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    In both scientific and popular circles it is often said that we are in the midst of a sixth mass extinction. Although the urgency of our present environmental crises is not in doubt, such claims of a present mass extinction are highly controversial scientifically. Our aims are, first, to get to the bottom of this scientific debate by shedding philosophical light on the many conceptual and methodological challenges involved in answering this scientific question, and, second, to offer new philosophical perspectives (...)
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  24. O onde antes do lugar: as διαστάσεις no De incessu animalium de Aristóteles.Matheus Oliveira Damião - 2017 - Codex 5 (2):155-180.
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  25. Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quyết định mua các sản phẩm thân thiện với môi trường của cư dân trong đại đô thị Vinhomes Grand Park.Đỗ Thị Mỹ Hạnh - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Nghiên cứu nhằm xác định các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quyết định mua các sản phẩm thân thiện với môi trường của cư dân trong đại đô thị Vinhomes Grand Park. Kết quả nghiên cứu chỉ ra 6 nhân tố: (1) Thái độ hướng đến bảo vệ môi trường; (2) Chuẩn chủ quan; (3) Chất lượng sản phẩm tốt; (4) Giá cả sản phẩm; (5) Truyền thông xã hội đều có ảnh hưởng đến quyết định mua các sản phẩm (...)
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  26. Mô hình nghiên cứu các nhân tố ảnh hưởng kết quả thực thi công vụ của công chức quản lý nhà nước về kinh tế cấp huyện ở TP. Hà Nội.Đỗ Thị Thúy Hằng - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Đánh giá chất lượng công chức nói chung và công chức quản lý nhà nước về kinh tế cấp huyện nói riêng là khâu mở đường quan trọng trong các hoạt động quản lý công chức và kết quả thực thi công vụ là tiêu chí cơ bản trong đánh giá. Nghiên cứu tiếp thu kết quả các nghiên cứu đi trước để xây dựng mô hình lý thuyết các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến kết quả thực thi công vụ (...)
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  27. G. W. Leibniz: Obras Filosóficas Y Científicas, Vol. 14: Correspondencia I. [REVIEW]Leticia Cabañas - 2008 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 45:175-177.
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    Wage slavery: A neo-Roman account.Tom O’Shea - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    The idea of wage slavery is often regarded with suspicion even among critics of capitalism. Sceptics note the dubious racial politics associated with its use, while recording many differences between the condition of waged workers and chattel slaves. However, these objections are more plausible on some conceptions of wage slavery than others. I look to the history of political thought to recover and reformulate a more defensible account, drawing on a neo-Roman understanding of slavery as subjection to another’s will (rather (...)
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  29. Generics, race, and social perspectives.Patrick O’Donnell - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (9):1577-1612.
    The project of this paper is to deliver a semantics for a broad subset of bare plural generics about racial kinds, a class which I will dub 'Type C generics.' Examples include 'Blacks are criminal' and 'Muslims are terrorists.' Type C generics have two interesting features. First, they link racial kinds with ​ socially perspectival predicates ​ (SPPs). SPPs lead interpreters to treat the relationship between kinds and predicates in generic constructions as nomic or non-accidental. Moreover, in computing their content, (...)
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  30. The Varieties of Intrinsic Value.John O’Neill - 1992 - The Monist 75 (2):119-137.
    To hold an environmental ethic is to hold that non-human beings and states of affairs in the natural world have intrinsic value. This seemingly straightforward claim has been the focus of much recent philosophical discussion of environmental issues. Its clarity is, however, illusory. The term ‘intrinsic value’ has a variety of senses and many arguments on environmental ethics suffer from a conflation of these different senses: specimen hunters for the fallacy of equivocation will find rich pickings in the area. This (...)
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  31. How should we promote transient diversity in science?Jingyi Wu & Cailin O’Connor - 2023 - Synthese 201 (2):1-24.
    Diversity of practice is widely recognized as crucial to scientific progress. If all scientists perform the same tests in their research, they might miss important insights that other tests would yield. If all scientists adhere to the same theories, they might fail to explore other options which, in turn, might be superior. But the mechanisms that lead to this sort of diversity can also generate epistemic harms when scientific communities fail to reach swift consensus on successful theories. In this paper, (...)
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  32. Ô nhiễm môi trường có thể thúc đẩy di cư và chảy máu chất xám.Hà Thị Hồng Hạnh & Đỗ Thị Hồng Uyên - 2022 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo 55 (3):1-3.
    Theo số liệu nghiên cứu, Việt Nam thường xuyên đứng trong nhóm 10 nước có các thành phố có chỉ số ô nhiễm không khí (AQI) cao nhất châu Á. Ô nhiễm không khí gây ra nhiều rất nhiều hệ lụy, nó tác động xấu đến sức khỏe con người và được xem là tác nhân thúc đẩy sự di cư và chảy máu chất xám.
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  33. Socrates’ Ethical Argument for His Eschatology in the Gorgias.Tim O'Keefe - forthcoming - Phronesis.
    Socrates has an implicit argument for his afterlife story that concludes the Gorgias, with two key premises. One is at 527a-c, where he summarizes the ethical position he has been arguing for through most of the dialogue, regarding the intrinsic goodness of justice, the intrinsic badness of injustice, and the desirability of rehabilitative punishments. The second occurs at 507e-508a, where Socrates asserts that the universe is held together by justice. This argument explains why Socrates regards his story as a logos, (...)
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  34. Picture changes during blinks: Looking without seeing and seeing without looking.J. Kevin O'Regan, H. Deubel, James J. Clark & Ronald A. Rensink - 2000 - Visual Cognition 7:191-211.
    Observers inspected normal, high quality color displays of everyday visual scenes while their eye movements were recorded. A large display change occurred each time an eye blink occurred. Display changes could either involve "Central Interest" or "Marginal Interest" locations, as determined from descriptions obtained from independent judges in a prior pilot experiment. Visual salience, as determined by luminance, color, and position of the Central and Marginal interest changes were equalized. -/- The results obtained were very similar to those obtained in (...)
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  35. Why (Some) Corporations Have Positive Duties to (Some of) the Global Poor.Tadhg Ó Laoghaire - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (3):741-755.
    Many corporations are large, powerful, and wealthy. There are massive shortfalls of global justice, with hundreds of millions of people in the world living below the threshold of extreme poverty, and billions more living not far above that threshold. Where injustice and needs shortfalls must be remediated, we often look towards agents’ capabilities to determine who ought to bear the costs of rectifying the situation. The combination of these three claims grounds what I call a ‘linkage-based’ account of why corporations (...)
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  36. Hypocrisy in Politics.Maggie O’Brien & Alexandra Whelan - 2022 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 9 (63):1692-1714.
    The charge of hypocrisy is a peculiar kind of accusation: it is damning and ubiquitous; it is used to deny the hypocrite standing to speak; and it is levelled against a great variety of conduct. Much of the philosophical literature on hypocrisy is aimed at explaining why hypocrisy is wrongful and worthy of censure. We focus instead on the use of the accusation of hypocrisy and argue for a revisionary claim. People think that hypocrisy in politics is bad and that (...)
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  37. Eugene Debs and the Socialist Republic.Tom O’Shea - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (6):861-888.
    I reconstruct the civic republican foundations of Eugene Debs’s socialist critique of capitalism, demonstrating how he uses a neo-roman conception of freedom to condemn waged labour. Debs is also shown to build upon this neo-roman liberty in his socialist republican objections to the plutocratic capture of the law and threats of violence faced by the labour movement. This Debsian socialist republicanism can be seen to rest on an ambitious understanding of the demands of citizen sovereignty and civic solidarity. While Debs (...)
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  38. Minimalism and truth.John O'Leary-Hawthorne & Graham Oppy - 1997 - Noûs 31 (2):170-196.
    This paper canvasses the various dimensions along which theories of truth may disagree about the extent to which truth is minimal.
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  39. Minimal Truthmakers.Donnchadh O'Conaill & Tuomas E. Tahko - 2016 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 97 (2):228-244.
    A minimal truthmaker for a given proposition is the smallest portion of reality which makes this proposition true. Minimal truthmakers are frequently mentioned in the literature, but there has been no systematic account of what they are or of their importance. In this article we shall clarify the notion of a minimal truthmaker and argue that there is reason to think that at least some propositions have minimal truthmakers. We shall then argue that the notion can play a useful role (...)
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  40. “The Church Fathers: Augustine.” In The Finest Room in the Colony: The Library of John Thomas Mullock.Seamus O'Neill - 2016 - In Nancy Earle Ágnes Juhász-Ormsby (ed.), The Finest Room in the Colony: The Library of John Thomas Mullock. Memorial University Libraries. pp. 66-67.
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  41. Three Rawlsian Routes towards Economic Democracy.Martin O'Neill - 2008 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 9 (1):29-55.
    This paper addresses ways of arguing fors ome form of economic democracy from within a broadly Rawlsian framework. Firstly, one can argue that a right to participate in economic decision-making should be added to the Rawlsian list of basic liberties, protected by the first principle of justice. Secondly,I argue that a society which institutes forms of economic democracy will be more likely to preserve a stable and just basic structure over time, by virtue of the effects of economic democratization on (...)
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  42. Nghiên cứu hành vi lựa chọn sản phẩm du lịch xanh của giới trẻ ở TP. Hồ Chí Minh.Lã Như Hải & Đỗ Đình Thanh - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Nghiên cứu xem xét mối quan hệ giữa các thành phần trong mô hình lý thuyết TPB (gồm: Chuẩn chủ quan, Nhận thức kiểm soát hành vi, Thái độ với việc lựa chọn) và Ý định lựa chọn sản phẩm du lịch xanh. Khảo sát trực tuyến được thực hiện với mẫu 185 bạn trẻ sinh sống tại TP. Hồ Chí Minh. Kết quả cho thấy, các thành phần Chuẩn chủ quan, Nhận thức kiểm soát hành vi, Thái độ với (...)
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  43. The Subjective Authority of Intention.Lilian O’Brien - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (275):354-373.
    While much has been written about the functional profile of intentions, and about their normative or rational status, comparatively little has been said about the subjective authority of intention. What is it about intending that explains the ‘hold’ that an intention has on an agent—a hold that is palpable from her first-person perspective? I argue that several prima facie appealing explanations are not promising. Instead, I maintain that the subjective authority of intention can be explained in terms of the inner (...)
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  44. Socialist Republicanism.Tom O’Shea - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (5):548-572.
    Socialist republicans advocate public ownership and control of the means of production in order to achieve the republican goal of a society without endemic domination. While civic republicanism is often attacked for its conservatism, the relatively neglected radical history of the tradition shows how a republican form of socialism provides powerful conceptual resources to critique capitalism for leaving workers and citizens dominated. This analysis supports a programme of public ownership and economic democracy intended to reduce domination in the workplace and (...)
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  45. Aenesidemus Was Not an Academic.Evan O'Donnell - forthcoming - Ancient Philosophy.
    Aenesidemus, the (re-)founder of Pyrrhonian skepticism, is usually said to have begun his career by breaking away from the Academy. This assertion rests on the word “συναιρεσιώτῃ” as it appears in Photius’ summary of Aenesidemus’ Pyrrhonian Discourses. I argue that Photius’ probable understanding of the Academy’s history undermines this traditional reading. I then examine the evidence external to Photius and conclude that it also speaks against the traditional narrative.
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  46. The Annicerean Cyrenaics on Friendship and Habitual Good Will.Tim O’Keefe - 2017 - Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy 62 (3):305-318.
    Unlike mainstream Cyrenaics, the Annicereans deny that friendship is chosen only because of its usefulness. Instead, the wise person cares for her friend and endures pains for him because of her goodwill and love. Nonetheless, the Annicereans maintain that your own pleasure is the telos and that a friend’s happiness isn’t intrinsically choiceworthy. Their position appears internally inconsistent or to attribute doublethink to the wise person. But we can avoid these problems. We have good textual grounds to attribute to the (...)
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  47. Painful Reasons: Representationalism as a Theory of Pain.Brendan O'Sullivan & Robert Schroer - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (249):737-758.
    It is widely thought that functionalism and the qualia theory are better positioned to accommodate the ‘affective’ aspect of pain phenomenology than representationalism. In this paper, we attempt to overturn this opinion by raising problems for both functionalism and the qualia theory on this score. With regard to functionalism, we argue that it gets the order of explanation wrong: pain experience gives rise to the effects it does because it hurts, and not the other way around. With regard to the (...)
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  48. Let Slip the Dogs of Commerce: The Ethics of Voluntary Corporate Withdrawal in Response to War.Tadhg Ó Laoghaire - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (1):27-52.
    Over 1000 companies have either curtailed or else completely ceased operations in Russia as a response to its invasion of Ukraine, a mass corporate exodus of a speed and scale which we’ve never seen. While corporate withdrawal appears to have considerable public support, it’s not obvious that it has done anything to hamper the Russian war effort, nor is it clear what the long-run effects of corporate withdrawal as a regularised response to war might be. Given this, it’s important the (...)
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    The Many Faces of Pragmaticism: Peircean Semiotics as a Bridge Between Science, Philosophy, and Religion.O. Lehto - manuscript
    Reconciling the many “faces” of Peirce – the Scientist, Philosopher, and Metaphysician - helps to make sense of the open-endedness and versatility of semiotics. Semiosis, for Peirce, knows no rigid hermeneutic or disciplinary bounds. It thus forces us to be open to interdisciplinary and holistic inquiries. The pragmatic maxim sets limits on metaphysical speculation, but it also legitimates the extension of the experimentalist method into cosmological, metaphysical, and even religious domains. Although Peirce's religious speculations are ultimately unsatisfactory, understanding why Peirce (...)
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  50. Representationalism, supervenience, and the cross-modal problem.John W. O’dea - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 130 (2):285-95.
    The representational theory of phenomenal experience is often stated in terms of a supervenience thesis: Byrne recently characterises it as the thesis that “there can be no difference in phenomenal character without a difference in content”, while according to Tye, “[a]t a minimum, the thesis is one of supervenience: necessarily, experiences that are alike in their representational contents are alike in their phenomenal character.” Consequently, much of the debate over whether representationalism is true centres on purported counter-examples – that is (...)
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